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Teaching STEM: Strategies to Support Faculty Development and Enhance Teaching Effectiveness


All 兔子先生 STEM faculty. Graduate students interested in pursuing an academic career.


Each participant will receive $500 in professional development funds.


Online Application



Purpose and Description

Universities across the United States play a fundamental role in achieving national, state, and regional goals in STEM education and fostering innovation that supports and drives the economy (Benish, 2018; National Science Foundation 2020).

This FLC aims to:

  • Review relevant literature within the context of supporting faculty as they design their STEM curriculums, develop student-centered courses, and prepare students for career success.
  • Survey current efforts throughout STEM departments and divisions at 兔子先生 to gain insight into what formal (and informal) training and methods of assessment exist in support of teaching excellence (e.g., peer evaluation, mentoring).
  • Develop a web-based resource which summarizes:
    • Evidence-based best practices.
    • Opportunities at 兔子先生 which provide training and mentoring such that faculty (and future faculty) develop an innovative and engaging teaching portfolio.

This FLC is associated with a current NSF ADVANCE award at 兔子先生 University (Award #2126030: Equity in STEM programs at 兔子先生 University).


  • Conduct a literature review of evidence-based practices which support faculty as they develop and work to continuously improve their teaching portfolios.
  • Design a survey to be issued across 兔子先生’s STEM departments in order to gain insights into what current policies, programs, and practices exist at the department level to assess and evaluate teaching effectiveness.
  • Invite (and meet with) external speaker(s) to gain insight into other institutional practices which center teaching development.
  • Design a web-based resource for publication on CTE website.
  • Prepare and submit proposal to annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching.
  • Depending on findings, consider submission of manuscript for publication within the context of best practices and recommendations.



  • Catherine Almquist, Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering; Co-Facilitator
  • Michelle Boone, Biology
  • Kaylynn Borror, Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • George Daly, Geology and Environmental Earth Science
  • Madeline Ess, Geology (Graduate Student)
  • Daniela Inclezan, Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Claire McLeod, Geology and Environmental Earth Science; Co-Facilitator
  • Zulal Sevkli, Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Jing Zhang, Statistics

Center for Teaching Excellence

317 Laws Hall
551 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056