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Spill Containment Materials/Kits

EHSO will provide complete spill containment and clean-up kits at the specified locations. Spill materials may also be located in areas where infectious wastes are managed. The following materials represent an infectious waste spill kit:

  • Materials designed to absorb spilled liquids.
  • An EPA registered hospital disinfectant that is tuberculocidal, fungicidal, virucidal, and effective against HIV-1. A ten-percent solution of common household bleach and water may be used in lieu of a commercial disinfectant.
  • A sufficient quantity of red plastic bags (or other colored bags conspicuously labeled with the international biohazard symbol) necessary to implement an effective spill containment and clean-up procedure. Bags must be large enough to overpack a box or container normally used to collect sharps or other contaminated material.
  • Latex gloves, or equivalent type of glove, and any other personal protective equipment necessary to implement the spill containment and cleanup procedure.

Spill Containment/Clean up Procedure

  1. Limit access to the spill area to authorized personnel.
  2. Inform the Infectious Waste Control Manager (x9-2829) of the incident. Outside normal business hours call University Police (x9-2222). If the incident is considered an emergency, call 911 for assistance.
  3. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment depending on the type and volume of waste spilled.
  4. Place any broken glass or other sharps in a leak and puncture-resistant container. Containers and all contaminated materials must be placed inside overpack bags or in appropriate infectious waste containers.
  5. Disinfect the spill area.
  6. Dispose of wastewater resulting from the spill of infectious waste or the cleanup of a spill of infectious waste through a sanitary drain.
  7. Handle any absorbent materials used to clean up the area as infectious waste.
  8. Clean and disinfect any non-disposable items.
  9. Remove protective equipment and manage the disposable items as infectious waste.
  10. Take necessary steps to replenish spill containment and cleanup materials.
  11. The supervisor or manager of the spill cleanup shall submit a report to the Infectious Waste Control Manager addressing clean-up efforts and results within seven (7) days of the incident.

Physical Facilities

101 South Fisher Drive
Oxford, Ohio 45056