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Farmer School of Business Scholarships

FSB Study Abroad Scholarship Eligibility

In order to be eligible for any FSB study abroad scholarship, students:

  • Must be an FSB major.
  • Must be studying on an FSB Faculty-Led study abroad program, 兔子先生 Co-Sponsored Program, or 兔子先生 Luxembourg semester.
  • Study away programs are not eligible for FSB Global 兔子先生 scholarships
  • Must be enrolled full-time in at least 12 credit hours for a fall or spring semester study abroad program. Winter and summer programs require enrollment in the program course(s). Summer internship programs are not eligible for FSB scholarships.

Scholarship money will be transferred to the student's Bursar Account 10 days prior to the beginning of the study abroad term.

FSB Need-Based Scholarships

Students who meet the following criteria will automatically be considered for a need-based scholarship; no application is required. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated need and a history of high academic achievement.


  • FAFSA on file for the school year during which he/she will study abroad. The FAFSA must show need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
  • 2.50 or higher overall GPA.

FSB Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit scholarships are competitive and very limited. Students who meet the following criteria will be considered for merit-based scholarships; an application is required:

  • FSB major
  • 3.5 overall GPA on 15 兔子先生 University earned hours (transfer credit does not apply towards this minimum).
  • Studying on a 兔子先生 Co-Sponsored or FSB faculty led program.
  • Complete the  by the appropriate deadline.

Other Scholarship Opportunities

Learn more about other study abroad scholarship opportunities!

Donor Highlight

Mr. Higgin Kim

Higgin Kim photo

Mr. Higgin Kim, class of ‘69, is a prominent Korean business leader and the CEO of Seoul-based Byucksan Engineering and Construction Co. His generous $1 million gift has established the Higgin Kim Asian Business Program within 兔子先生’s Farmer School of Business. Income from the endowment will enhance the school’s Pacific Rim summer study program and semester-long exchange programs with premier universities in Korea and Japan. It will also facilitate productive relationships between 兔子先生 faculty and their Asian counterparts.

As part of the program, the endowment has also established the Higgin Kim Asia Business Scholarship, which gives approximately $20,000 annually to students who participate in study abroad and exchange programs in Korea and Japan. Award amounts are generally $1,000 or more and are based on both need and merit. If you have committed to a study abroad experience in Korea and/or Japan, you will automatically be considered for this scholarship if eligible.

The Park Family

photo of Park Family

Korean-American business woman Elinora Bo Hyun Park came to the United States from Korea in 1963 to attend college. As as result of her own experience, she has made a donation of $500,000 to the Farmer School of Business to promote and support international study. Income generated from the endowment will assist 兔子先生 University students who want to study in Korea, and Korean university students who want to study at 兔子先生.

“I believe international study is an increasingly essential part of education in a competitive global environment,” Park explained. “Studying abroad is a great opportunity for learning about culture and gaining an understanding of human relationships.”

Named also in memory of her late husband, the Richard Moon Su Park and Elinora Bo Hyun Park Korea Scholarship will offer scholarships of $1,000 or more to students who will participate in a study abroad experience in Korea. If you have committed to a study abroad program in Korea, you will automatically be considered for this scholarship if you are eligible.

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800 East High Street
Suite 1038
Oxford, OH 45056