Find your academic advisor, learn about your academic standing and ability to attend 兔子先生, and use the academic support services available to all students.
Find your academic advisor, learn about your academic standing and ability to attend 兔子先生, and use the academic support services available to all students.
We love to hear from our alumni so stay in touch and learn about what some alumni are doing after college.
Find information about health, well-being, insurance, police, and other safety resources.
At 兔子先生, you will find that you can easily walk to several places on-campus and in the Oxford area. For moments when you need additional transportation, several options are available.
International students may work on campus at 兔子先生 University during their studies. Learn how to acquire the documents needed to work and how to file and pay taxes.
Enjoy your time on campus and explore many opportunities to enjoy time spent off campus in Oxford and the surrounding area.
214 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-8608 (fax)
Meet the ISSS Staff
Additionally, ISSS staff is available for scheduled appointments and drop-ins.
International students and scholars can submit a variety of requests to ISSS via InterLink.
Campus Community allows to students to find each other based shared country, interests, or other information, ask questions or share info in the forums, learn about upcoming events, and more!
International students and scholars will automatically receive communications from ISSS. Others are welcome to sign up to receive emails and communications from our office.