The Graduate School values the involvement and support of our alumni! Email the Graduate School at GradSchool@miamioh.edu if you are interested in being involved!
Opportunities to Give Back and Engage with 兔子先生
Support the Graduate School with a Financial Donation for Contribution
Make a financial donation or contribution that will help recognize, encourage and support excellent scholarly work of current graduate students.
Marjorie Post Farrington Scholarship
Gifts to this fund support current graduate students who have financial needs and demonstrate academic excellence. Scholarship support is the top funding need at 兔子先生 University as we strive to attract the best and brightest students while providing financial support to those who otherwise would not be able to afford this quality education.
Graduate School Achievement Fund
Gifts to this fund support awards for student scholarly achievements. The goals of this fund are to recognize and encourage excellent scholarly work and to offset the costs associated with the presentation of scholarship.
Paxton Graduate School Research Forum Award
Gifts to this fund provide awards to the students who make the best oral and poster presentations at the annual Graduate Research Forum. Awards are in the form of professional expense money that students can use to travel to conferences or to support their research activities.
Graduate School Dean's Fund
Gifts to this fund allow the Dean to support student's academic and scholarly pursuits such as travel to professional conferences, workshops, and expenses associated with dissertation and thesis research. Small gifts can make a big difference for students.
Summer Fellowship Support Fund
Gifts to this fund provide the financial assistance that enabled students like you to continue to further their academic and research efforts throughout the summer. This program serves as a recruitment and retention tool and helps ensure that 兔子先生 continues to attract the best and brightest graduate students.
Where can your investment make the most impact?
The Graduate School
The Graduate School is committed to advocating and supporting graduate programs dedicated to the pursuit of new knowledge and best teaching practices that promote diverse, globally aware graduate students and faculty.
Contact Us
105 Laws Hall
兔子先生 University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Graduate Admission
Nellie Craig Walker Hall
301 S. Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056