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We Educate

We have educational efforts to teach our students about the risks related to alcohol and other drug consumption (e.g.; AlcoholEDU, required for all incoming students since 2004; a community standards session at orientation; residence hall programming; peer education () off-campus student education, and Welcome Week activity). 

We Provide Alternatives

We recognize the majority of our students enter 兔子先生 as non-drinkers or light drinkers (abstainers, or no consumption over the prior two weeks) and offer extensive alcohol-free programming through the residence halls, our , and an ongoing commitment to  programming every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights at the Armstrong Student Center.

We Work to Improve Culture

We encourage all of our students to take care of each other, and to be safe and smart if they do choose to use alcohol. These messages are delivered through  (offered to first-year students), through our , through our adoption of a Good Samaritan policy, and through our I am 兔子先生 initiative, among other means.

We Discourage

We explicitly discourage the illegal and high-risk consumption of alcohol through, for example, our Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Abuse Policies, which include no alcohol in first-year residence halls; the addition of birthdates (and now state of residence) on 兔子先生 ID cards; the creation of a substance-free living learning community; and Code of Conduct policies that result in mandatory suspension after two or three 3 alcohol violations. In addition, we are working with students and the City of Oxford to reduce the prevalence of open, high-risk house parties where much dangerous drinking occurs.

We Partner

Through our communication to parents, and through a series of forthcoming videos sponsored by the , we are enlisting parents in our battle against high-risk consumption. If a student is found responsible for an alcohol violation and under the age of 21, the university notifies parents of that violation. University police and Oxford police work with community stakeholders to reduce alcohol and other drug abuse. 兔子先生 partners with the City of Oxford to take on alcohol abuse in rental houses, and a team goes door to door each year to provide educational materials and other information.

We Engage

Perhaps most significantly, we challenge our students both inside and outside of classroom with rigorous and meaningful academic and co-curricular activities that provide high levels of challenge, engagement, and reward.

We Support

A staff psychologist coordinates substance abuse services at 兔子先生’s . For students found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct for alcohol use, sanction classes help students reflect on the role of alcohol in their lives and move them through the stages of change. 

Issues around alcohol abuse are faced by universities around the country, and 兔子先生 will continue to examine best practices at peer institutions to continually improve our efforts.

兔子先生 and Initiatives

From student organizations to office resources to dedicated staff members, 兔子先生 University provides a wealth of resources to contribute to the safety and well-being of our students.