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Currently Offered Groups

Current Groups
Group Date and Time Description
Circle of Hope


2:30-4 p.m.

A warm, supportive, and empowering therapy group for woman/female-identifying graduate and undergraduate students who are survivors of sexual assault or intimate partner violence.
Coping Mindfully (clinical workshop)


2-3 p.m.

A 6-week, weekly workshop series designed to help students foster mindfulness and coping strategies to combat stress, anxiety, and challenging life circumstances.
DARE: Depression and Anxiety Recovery


3-4:30 p.m.

DARE is a weekly co-ed group for students struggling with anxiety and/or depression. Members will learn about various ways to cope and understand anxiety and  depression, through discussion, exploration, activities and examples.
Expressing the Self Through Art


3-4:30 p.m.

Members will pay attention to their process of creating art through a variety of mediums and how this relates to the way they function emotionally, intrapersonally and interpersonally. 兔子先生 will provide supplies and no art skills or experience are needed. Each week  members will create a piece of art according to a specific prompt or theme.
Graduate Student Support Group


1-2:30 p.m.

This group is intended as a supportive environment for graduate students experiencing the full range of stressors common to student life—academic pressures, financial concerns, and relationship issues with family, friends, faculty, and partners, among others.
Grief Recovery


2-3:30 p.m.

A weekly support group for students who have lost loved ones and are seeking a space where they can share their encounters with grief and loss with others who have had similar experiences. Losses that occurred maybe recent or past, friend or family.
International Student Support (location:ISSS)


4-5 p.m.

This is a weekly group for international students at 兔子先生 University, Oxford. A warm and inviting environment will be fostered, where members can discuss cultural adjustment to 兔子先生 and the United States. Topics may include acculturation, cultural values, and cultural acceptance. The group space can allow for exploration of culture and how it impacts issues related to trust, vulnerability, belonging, conflict, and fostering well-being.
Neurodivergent Resiliency


1-2:30 p.m.

ND Resiliency is an accountability/support group focused on weekly topics related to neurodivergence that might include goal setting, motivation, time management, organization, and/or topics suggested by members. This group is a good fit for students who are  neurodivergent or who have neurodivergent features.
Social Serenity


1-2:30 p.m.

Social Serenity is a safe and supportive space for students to process and build their social confidence. During the group, we will provide students with tools to cope with social anxiety, build meaningful relationships, and time to process and reflect on their social experiences.

Stress Less Workshop (clinical workshop)

TBD (begins after fall break)

This drop-in style workshop is for students struggling with stress, anxiety, and motivation issues who need coping skills to help manage their wellbeing. This workshop will cover physical symptoms of anxiety, reducing anxious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors  through skills.
Taking ACTion


2:30-4 p.m.

This is a semi-structured group for people who struggle with Obsessive Compulsive and related disorders, negative thoughts, excessive worrying, feeling "stuck," and general stress. Group members will learn about mindfulness, how to interact with their thoughts in a different way and live in accordance with their values. Adapted from ACT work.
Talking it out: Men’s Group


2-3:30 p.m.

This group will provide a supportive space for male-identified students to connect, deepen self-awareness, and actively explore positive masculinity.


11 a.m.-Noon

This group is for students who are concerned about their use of different substances (alcohol, marijuana, etc.). The focus will be on identifying how substance use influences everyday life, how to reduce said use and how substance use may be interfering with personal  goals, relationships, etc.
Understanding Self and Others


1-2:30 p.m.

This group will provide a context for members to improve difficulties in their lives connected to developing and maintaining satisfying relationships with friends, family, partners, etc. A confidential environment will be created to help each member to learn how to trust, confront conflicts, understand one's interactional style, and develop healthy relationships with others and with one's self.

Virtual Workshops

A virtual workshop is a 20-30 minute live webinar focused on a specific mental health related topic presented by a staff member in Student Wellness. 

Student sits outside with laptop while group gathers in the background.
Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness Facility

Student Counseling Service

Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness Facility
421 South Campus Ave.
Oxford, Ohio 45056
513-529-4634 Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.