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Grades and Scholarship

Scope: Graduate Students are covered by this policy.


Grades and Scholarship



Grades for all students are reported to the Office of the University Registrar. Grade submission deadlines and dates by which grades are viewable are listed on the academic calendar ).

Standard Grade Scale
Standard Letter Grade Grades Points Per Semester Hour
A+ 4.00
A (Excellent) 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B (Good) 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C (Satisfactory) 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D (Poor) 1.00
D- 0.70
F (Failure) 0.00

If a student is found responsible of academic dishonesty, and the resulting sanction is failure for the course, a notation of academic dishonesty will appear directly beneath the class on the academic record. (See policy “Academic Integrity”)

Other grade symbols include

Grade Symbols
Symbol or Abbreviation Meaning
ADF Academic Dishonesty - Failed. Denotes a sanction of failure in a course due to Academic Dishonesty. Calculates as an F in grade point average.
ADY Academic Dishonesty - No Credit. Denotes a sanction of failure in a course due to Academic Dishonesty. Does not calculate in the grade point average (no credit).
CR1 Credit in an undergraduate course taken credit/no-credit in which a grade of C or better is earned, or in a graduate course in which a grade of B or better is earned. Not included in the calculation of grade point averages. (Effective Fall 2022)
CR2 Credit in an undergraduate course taken credit/no-credit in which a grade of C- through D- is earned; not included in the calculation of grade point averages. Not applicable to graduate coursework. (Effective fall 2022)
I Incomplete; calculates as an F in grade point average (retired).
IG or IGY Incomplete; work at the graduate level; not included in the calculation of grade point average. The student has one academic semester following the recording to complete the academic work. Check the Academic Calendar for the deadlines per term. After the deadline has passed with no grade change being recorded, the "IG" will convert to a grade of F. The "IGY" will convert to Y (no credit).
IU or IUY Incomplete work at the undergraduate level; not included in the calculation of grade point average. The student has one academic semester following the recording to complete the academic work. Check the Academic Calendar for the deadlines per term. After the deadline has passed with no grade change being recorded, the "IU" will convert to a grade of F. The "IUY" will convert to Y (no credit).
L Audit; not included in enrollment status hours; not included in calculation of grade point average.
N No grade submitted by the instructor; not included in the calculation of grade point average.
NCR No credit in an undergraduate course in which a grade of F is earned, or in a graduate course in which a grade of B- or less is earned. Not included in the calculation of grade point averages. (Effective Fall 2022)
P Passing; carries no credit points (used for student teaching, thesis hours, dissertation hours).
Q Course grades preceded by Q indicate the Fresh Start policy has been applied.
S Satisfactory Progress; carries no credit points and not included in the calculation of grade point average; (used for courses in research, independent reading, special topics courses, thesis hours, dissertation hours, and undergraduate honors); changes to a final grade when the project is completed.
U Unsatisfactory progress; carries no credit points; not included in the calculation of grade point average; (also used for special projects as above); changes to a final grade when the project is completed.
W Withdrawal; assigned to a student who officially withdraws from the University or from a course; carries no credit points; is not included in the calculation of grade point average.
WP Withdrawal passing; (retired).
WF Withdrawal failing; (retired).
X Credit in a course taken credit.no-credit in which a grade of D- or better is earned in an undergraduate course or in which a grade of B is earned in a graduate course; carries no credit points; not included in the calculation of grade point average. (Retired Fall 2022)
Y No credit in a course taken credit/no-credit in which a grade of F is earned in an undergraduate course or in which a grade of B- or less was earned in a graduate course; carries no credit points; not included in the calculation of grade point average. (Retired Fall 2022)
Z Course grades preceded by Z indicate the Fresh Start policy has been applied; (retired).

Scholastic Regulations for Graduate Students 

Academic Actions

Academic actions are defined as academic probation; removal of academic probation; and academic dismissal. Academic actions occur on the basis of semester or summer term and/or cumulative grade point averages as computed by the Office of the University Registrar at the end of a semester or summer term. No academic actions are associated with winter term. Academic actions will be taken on any graduate student regardless of the number of hours taken in any semester or term with exclusions as noted below. Good academic standing is defined as maintaining a minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average.

Student Classification for Academic Action Purposes 

Only graduate-level ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú grade point average hours recorded on the academic record are considered in the classification of a graduate student for academic action.

Academic Probation

A graduate student with 9 or more cumulative ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú graduate-level earned hours is placed on academic probation at the end of any semester or summer term in which his/her cumulative grade point average is less than 3.00.

Removal of Academic Probation

If a graduate student has a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or better at the end of a semester or summer term, the student shall be removed from academic probation.

Continuation on Academic Probation

A graduate student who is on academic probation and who has a semester or summer term grade point average of 3.00 or better, but has a cumulative grade point average of less than 3.00, is continued on academic probation.

Academic Dismissal 

A graduate student who is on academic probation will be dismissed if his/her semester or summer term grade point average is less than 3.00. Academic dismissal is usually considered a permanent action.

Restrictions for Students under Academic Probation 

A graduate student under academic probation may not hold an assistantship. The student may, with the support of the unit that awarded the assistantship, petition the Graduate Council for an exception to this policy. A new petition is required each semester while on probation.

Graduation Requirement 

A student under academic probation is not eligible to take a comprehensive examination, final examination (see the policy “Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education” sections “Comprehensive Examination” and “Final Examination”), or to graduate. A student’s cumulative ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú graduate-level grade point average must be at least 3.00, and a student may not have grades of incomplete, to take a comprehensive examination, to take a final examination (see the policy “Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education” sections “Comprehensive Examination” and “Final Examination”) for any graduate degree, or to graduate.

Certificate Completion Requirement

A student under academic probation is not eligible to receive a graduate certificate. A student’s cumulative ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú graduate-level grade point average must be at least a 3.00, and a student may not have any incomplete grades to receive a graduate certificate.

Exceptions to Scholastic Regulations

A graduate student may petition Graduate Council for an exception to any of the above scholastic regulations. Follow the petition process outlined in the policy “Examinations (Students)” section “Schedule Changes for Final Examinations or Other Evaluative Substitution”.

Change of Grade 

A final grade once reported may be changed only upon recommendation of the instructor with the approval of the dean of his or her division. A change of an incomplete grade requires only the instructor’s signature. It is the right of any student to consult with the instructor concerning the instructor’s evaluation of the student’s performance in a particular course. If such consultation does not satisfy the student, it is his or her right to confer with the department chair of the instructor concerned.

Removal of Incompletes (Grades of I, IG, IGY, IU, and IUY) 

Until removed, a grade of I will remain as an I, but will not be computed in the student’s grade point average. Incompletes not removed will be changed to an F at the end of the following semester, excluding winter term. Incomplete grades may be removed by completing the course requirements. This must be done by the last day of classes of the next semester, excluding winter term. Incomplete grades may be removed during periods of non-enrollment including academic suspension and dismissal. Incomplete grades may not be removed during periods of non-academic suspension or non-academic dismissal.

Incomplete grades may also be removed by repeating the course when, in the instructor’s judgments, this is the most suitable course of action for completing the requirements of the course. The course must be taken for a letter grade. Once the course has been completed, the grade of incomplete will remain on the record but be taken out of the calculation of grade point averages. This arrangement must be reported to the Office of the Registrar in writing prior to enrolling for the course for the second time. If not reported, the student must petition Graduate Council.

Academic Action and Incomplete Grades

When there has been no instructor grade change by the last class day of the semester following the assignment of the incomplete, the incomplete grade is administratively changed to the grade of F and calculates in both the term and cumulative GPA. Grade point average calculations occur at the conclusion of each term and are recalculated for the term in which the grade of incomplete was awarded. Academic actions (warning and dismissal) will also be determined. Dismissals will not be assessed retroactively. 

Related Form(s)

Not Applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures



Not Applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officer

Associate Provost

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Revision History

 Edited November 2019; Amended July 2022; Amended July 2023

Reference ID

Graduate Handbook 1.3

Reviewing Bodies

  • University Sentate
  • Administrative