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Workday Alerts

Employee Absence Information

Salaried employees will have no absence information in their Workday Employee Profile for the first few weeks of July. June leave reports are due by July 5, after which the Human Resources office and Finance will complete reconciliations and load leave balances. Once leave balances are loaded employees will be able to submit vacation and sick leave requests through the absence section of their profile in Workday.

Classified employees (paid hourly) have leave balances loaded and available in the absence section of their profile.

Requesting Absences

Both Salaried and Hourly employees will need to wait until after your absence information is present in Workday before requesting absences in Workday.

This is because Workday will not allow an employee to request time off without a balance of available hours. You’ll still work with your supervisor for any July time off until you can submit the requests in Workday.

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Information was not transferred from Banner to Workday.

Each employee will need to add their Emergency contact information into Workday. Within your Workday Profile choose the Contact option and then use the Emergency Contacts tab.

Workday Transition Key Dates

Workday Transition Key Dates
Key Date Description Primary Contact
July 5, 2024 Last Date to Submit Reconciliations AND Approvals in Chrome River for the June 2024 cycle and any other FY24 transactions (including P-Card, Travel Reimbursement, and Cash Advance Reconciliations)
Please reconcile as soon as transactions are available in eWallet. You can create multiple reconciliations if necessary. All Chrome River reconciliations and approvals must be completed by the close of business on 07/05/24 for the June billing period. July transactions will be posted to Workday.
July 5, 2024 Unclassified Staff - June 2024 Leave Reports
As we approach the end of the 2024 fiscal year, please plan to submit and approve June leave reports no later than July 5, 2024. This early submission and approval are our standard practice to ensure a timely close for the 2024 fiscal year.
Employment@兔子先生OH.edu OR
Review the Workday Transition Dates page for an archived list of the key transition dates.

Contact the Workday Team

兔子先生 University
501 E. High St.
Oxford, OH 45056