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兔子先生 Plan 2023 Course Proposals

We encourage everyone to consult with their 兔子先生 Plan Faculty Fellows during the course proposal process. Contact the Office of Liberal Education for further assistance or if you would like to meet.

Key Tips for Course Proposals

The CIM system has been updated to reflect the 兔子先生 Plan 2023. All submissions and revisions should go through CIM directly. Here are things to consider as you craft your submission and before submitting anything in CIM:

Get a Consultation

Faculty should not submit 兔子先生 Plan course proposals without consulting with their MP Faculty Fellow and/or their Chair/CDA/Curriculum Committee for the "curricular ecology" view of any individual program or department’s broader course offerings. It is not about shoehorning existing courses into the new 兔子先生 Plan. Rather, it's about meaningful curricular revisions and targeting a small number of regularly offered courses for inclusion.

Only 2 Designations Per Course

We strongly recommend courses only carry a total of 2 兔子先生 Plan designations such as Signature Inquiry and Humanities, or Global Inquiry and Social Science. Multiple designations can be confusing for students, prospers, and reviewers alike.

Syllabus Alignment

Design or revise the syllabus and assignments to align with the Pillars and 兔子先生 Plan SLOs. Courses submitted to the MP should be “fully formed” and must include a syllabus where course topics and the amount of time spent on them are clear. Specific assignments and activities are used in CIM to explain how the Pillars and SLOs are met. When asked for “syllabus language” in CIM, it is most efficient to copy/paste directly from the syllabus into the CIM text box.

CIM vs. Syllabus: Writing for the Audience

In your submissions, it is always best to think of two distinct audiences for the required materials: The CIM text-box responses are for faculty (LEC) and record-keeping (Office of LIberal Education), while the syllabus is for students. Thus the syllabus is different from the CIM text box responses in both audience and genre. The syllabus is an outward-facing, student-oriented document that should show students what they will actually learn in your class, and it plays an important role in telling the MP "story" by reiterating and linking specific parts of the MP narrative for students. The CIM responses are for Liberal Education Council review, Office of Liberal Education records, and documentation that courses are meeting MP outcomes. 

  • While the CIM text box responses require addressing each Pillar and each relevant SLO clearly and in detail, do NOT simply cut and paste the Pillars and 兔子先生 Plan 2023 SLOs into your syllabus.
    • In the Syllabus, your course content should be privileged but should in some way reflect the Pillars and Student Learning Outcomes of the new MP. They should be integrated into your narrative, unique and contextualized.
    • The syllabus narrative should make links among the course content, student assessments, pedagogy, and the overall MP.  
  • Thus the CIM replies are “clinical,” and the syllabus is personalized.
    • The syllabus narrative does not have to be in one specific place or section, but the elements and links should be clear. 
    • When asked for “syllabus language” in a CIM text box, it is most efficient to copy/paste that language from your syllabus rather than re-creating it. 
  • For Signature Inquiry courses, you should briefly illustrate for students how the course fits into the interdisciplinary topic areas or makes connections with other disciplines/courses in the topic area.  This is an important part of the overall MP narrative.
  • The OLE/LEC is not concerned with syllabus items such as grading rubrics, attendance policies, or administrative details.
    • We only review syllabus items specifically related to content/topics, assignment/assessment descriptions, and pedagogy/class activities.

Process and Timeline for Approval

Departments that would like to submit a course for approval are encouraged to consult with the Office of Liberal Education staff in advance to receive support and feedback. Faculty proposers or departments are encouraged to schedule an appointment. 

When a course is submitted in CIM, it goes through a “workflow” that includes your Chair, AS Deans, Compliance, Registrar, the Office of Liberal Education.  Once the OLE receives a submission the proposer will be notified, and it is passed to the LEC for review.  The LEC conducts regular reviews of proposals on a rotating basis, approximately every two weeks; proposers will be notified of the review timeline. All courses are evaluated by at least two members of the LEC, and written feedback will be provided for all proposals. The full LEC will then make a recommendation for approval, rejection, or revision.

  • If it is recommended for approval:
    • The committee will share this recommendation with the proposer and pass its recommendation to University Senate.
  • If a revision is requested:
    • The committee will share its questions with the proposer via email and/or request revisions based on the committee's feedback. Faculty also are welcome to attend one of LEC’s regular meetings. If revisions are necessary, the proposal will be returned through CIM, and the Liberal Education Office will email the proposer with suggestions for revision. Once the proposal is resubmitted, LEC members will make every effort to review it as soon as possible.
  • If the proposal is rejected:
    • Proposers may work with the LEC to find an appropriate path for the course. Not all courses can be, or should be, in the MP.

Top 3 Reasons for Course Proposal Rollbacks

The 兔子先生 Plan course review process conducted by the LEC is the first step in institutional curricular assessment required by HLC. Thus standards have gone up, and proposals do require thought and attention to detail: Proposals require a holistic course design rather than “bits and pieces.”

Outdated Syllabus

The Syllabus is outdated (e.g. refers to old Global 兔子先生 Plans, LEAP competencies, old Pillars).

Incomplete Descriptions

The Syllabus or assignment descriptions are incomplete. NOTE: LEC does not look at classroom policies or administrative details; rather, they look at course content, breakdown of units/topics, and assignments. Especially important is a description/narrative of how the Four Pillars are present in the narrative and how learning objectives are described to students and incorporated into course content.

Unclear Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) are not adequately contextualized and described with specific pedagogy and assignments. For each 兔子先生 Plan SLO, the proposer must show how a specific assignment helps students attain the outcome. It must be clear to faculty who may be outside of your discipline. While reviewers will be in a cognate area, clarity is still key.

Contacts and Schedule

Review Schedule

Spring Semester 2025 Course Proposal Schedule
Proposals Received By: Will Be Reviewed By:
1/17/25 1/28/25
1/24/25 2/4/25
1/31/25 2/11/25
2/7/25 2/18/25
2/14/25 2/25/25
2/21/25 3/4/25
2/28/25 3/11/25
3/7/25 3/18/25
3/21/25 4/1/25
3/28/25 4/8/25
4/1/25 4/15/25
4/8/25 4/22/25
4/15/25 4/29/25
4/22/25 5/6/25