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Petitioning Process

Students may submit a petition to the Office of Liberal Education in order to receive 兔子先生 Plan (Perspectives Areas, Signature Inquiry, Knowledge in Action) or Global 兔子先生 Plan (pre-2023 Foundations, Capstones, or Thematic Sequence) credit. These may be courses transferred from another institution, study abroad experiences, self-designed experiences, or courses taken at 兔子先生 that have not received 兔子先生 Plan designation.

What Can Be Petitioned

兔子先生 Plan (after 2023)

  • Perspectives Area courses
  • Signature Inquiries
  • Senior Capstones (not self-designed).  

Global 兔子先生 Plan (pre-2023)

  • Foundation courses
  • Thematic Sequence course substitutions
  • Senior Capstones (not self-designed)

Petition Timeline

All components of the proposal must be turned in before it will be reviewed by the University Director of Liberal Education. Allow 7-10 business days for reviews. A careful review of this website and the description and specific requirements of the 兔子先生 Plan that pertains to you may also be helpful in determining whether or not the course(s) you are petitioning fit the spirit of the 兔子先生 Plan.

What Can I Petition?

The following petitions are available for submission. Please allow 7-10 days for a response.

Design Your Senior Capstone

Collaborate with a faculty advisor to create a course of study reflecting on the culmination of your liberal education.

Veterans Portfolio Option

The Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio provides an opportunity to waive specific 兔子先生 Plan requirements.

A rainbow appearing above Upham Hall.

Design Your Thematic Sequence

In direct collaboration with a faculty advisor, create a Thematic Sequence reflective of requirements and goals represented by the Global 兔子先生 Plan and relevant to students' specific academic, professional, and social concerns. 

Orange and yellow leaves during late fall.

Experiential Learning Petition

This petition provides students with the opportunity to utilize a unique “beyond the classroom” experience beyond those that are currently offered.