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Annual Symposium

The MUASAA Symposium and the Office of the Provost's advising recognition luncheon will now be a collaborative event. This new partnership is meant to be a space for the university community to learn from one another, to recognize everyone's hard work over the past year, and to plan for the future. Below are opportunities to apply for grants and nominate a collegue for an advising award.

Important Dates

This year's Symposium will be held on April 30, 2024 at the Shriver Center.

Call for Proposals

We are looking for presentations! We invite you to propose a 70 minute workshop, 30 minute lecture presentation, or a 7-10 minute SA Stories/Speaks topic.


Registration is free of charge. Please register for the symposium as soon as you can. Anyone who wants to learn more about advising best practices and/or does some sort of advising (even if that's not in your formal title!) is welcome to attend. Please share with your colleagues!

MUASAA Symposium Awards

The nomination forms (which include descriptions and criteria) will be linked below. This luncheon will contain the Symposium Keynote Speaker, our annual advising awards, and the opportunity to network and celebrate this year's hard work with each other!

Excellence in Advising Award - Faculty Advisor & Professional Staff Advisor

Nominees should meet the following four criteria:

  • High quality of information and advice: knowledge of graduation requirements including the university curriculum and special program requirements; knowledge of appropriate schedule development and course sequencing; assistance to students as they develop academic, personal and career goals; knowledge of institutional regulations, policies and procedures; ability to engage in developmentally appropriate goals for students.
  • Outstanding support of students: strong interpersonal skills; caring, helpful attitude towards students; willingness to act in the student's best interests; willingness to encourage development of student independence and critical thinking skills; sensitivity to diversity issues; knowledge of campus resources and appropriate referral activity; demonstration of holistic advising principles.
  • Accessibility to students: availability to advisees and frequency of contact; face-to-face and electronic communication; welcoming and responsive to students.
  • Exceptional leadership in advising: creation of high quality advisor development/training activities or resources; significant experience mentoring and training other advisors; and/or development of advising-related initiatives or improvements.

Outstanding Advising Program

  • Must be a program sponsored or co-sponsored by a university advising department.
  • Can be a collaborative effort between multiple offices. 
  • Must be a program related to student success initiatives. 
  • The program was based on specific goals and learning outcomes.

Outstanding Advising Supporter/Friend of Advising

  • A university or community member who clearly supports the role of advising at 兔子先生 University. 
  • Although not an official advisor, they espouse the values of advising and assists advisors at the university. 
  • Encourages students to take advantage of campus and community resources. 
  • Possible partnering with advisors for student programming events.

Outstanding Advising Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative of the Year

  • Must be awarded to an academic advisor, academic advising office, or program/event led through academic advising.
  • Serves as champion for DEI within the context of academic advising, classrooms, or student life.
  • Embodies leveraging DEI values in order to make progress for systemic and societal changes for marginalized populations.

Outstanding Community Builder

  • Must be awarded to an academic advisor who has led our university in supporting collaboration across the university, among students, or between colleagues.
  • Makes an outstanding effort to increase engagement among individuals across commonly perceived barriers.
  • May have developed community building activities or programs including but not limited to: student socials, workshops, social events, etc.

Join Us at the Symposium

Feel free to share this with your colleagues across campus! We look forward to you joining us at this exciting learning opportunity!

On behalf of the MUASAA Annual Symposium Committee

  • Valerie Butterfield
  • Laura Birkenhauer
  • Jordyn Clark
  • Amber Lohrey
  • Tracey Hayes
  • Ashley Jarvis
  • Ghada Mahdi
  • Lori Parks
  • Rachel Stevens
  • Chelsia Potts

Past Annual Symposiums