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Qualitative Research

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Beveled M

The effects of demographics, functioning, and perceptions on the relationship between self-reported and objective measures of driving exposure and patterns among older adults

This exploratory study examined: how strongly subjectively reported driving avoidance behaviors (commonly referred to as self-regulation) and exposure were related to their objectively measured cou...

Carolyn DiGuiseppi • Lisa J. Molnar • Scott E. Bogard • Thelma J. Mielenz • Michael J. Rovine • David W. Eby • J. S. Zakraksek • Jacqui Smith • Linda V. Nyquist • Renée M. St Louis • the LongROAD Research Team • David Strogatz • Lindsay Ryan • Raymond Yung • Guohua Li • David Joseph LeBlanc • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Nicole Zanier

Beveled M

Generativity in elderly Oblate Sisters of Providence

This paper explored how generativity and well-being merged in a group of childless older women: African and Hispanic Roman Catholic Religious Sisters, linking two minority identity characteristics.

Kate de Medeiros

Beveled M

Using Art to Overcome Cognitive Barriers

OMA operates programs at eight other locations in southwestern Ohio, including long-term-care communities and adult-day centers serving about 125 elders and 200 volunteers a year in small-group ses...

Elizabeth Like Lokon

Scripps Gerontology Center

396 Upham Hall
100 Bishop Circle
Oxford, OH 45056