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Baccalaureate Degrees

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers two degree options (B.S. and B.A.) in both the Chemistry and Biochemistry majors.

Male student and a female instructor in a Chemistry Lab


The B.S. Degree in Chemistry is is a research-oriented degree, cerified by the American Chemical Society, and is designed for students interested in becoming professional scientists.

The B.A. Degree in Chemistry is most often selected by students intending to pursue professional school in medicine or other science-related areas or those intending to teach high school science. The degree offers a strong foundation of classroom and laboratory experience but permits sufficient flexibility for students in pre-professional programs or double majors.

Each degree options offers focus areas for further specialization.

Bioengineering lab


The B.S. in Biochemistry is accredited by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This program is designed for students who wish to become professional scientists with a strong foundation in biochemistry.

The  program is designed for students looking to pursue professional school in medicine or teach high school science. For those students interested in a career in Bioengineering, the Bioengineering focus will help to enhance the BA Biochemistry degree and prepare students for the future.


Combined Bachelor's/M.S.

This program allows students at 兔子先生 to work toward a master's degree concurrently with their undergraduate degree. The combined program is intended to take 5 years, possibly 4 for students with considerable AP credit, instead of the 6 (or more) usually required to obtain a graduate degree. The M.S. degree is intended for students interested in careers in industrial R&D labs or teaching, or those wishing to strengthen applications for further graduate study.

Program Description

Obtaining a MS in Chemistry prepares individuals to pursue technical careers in Research and Development. Learning outcomes for students in our MS programs include demonstrated proficiency in the main disciplines of chemistry and biochemistry, in addition to specialized in-depth knowledge in at least one of the areas. The MS degree includes a combination of laboratory and literature research that is designed to meet the goals of the individual student. Some credits can be taken at the graduate level and double counted toward the bachelors degree, as specified by the Graduate School Handbook.

Undergraduate Preparation

Students must have passed one semester of (Bio)Physical Chemistry (CHM 451 or CHM 471) and be enrolled in the second semester (CHM 452 or CHM 472). If the student intends to complete a thesis, the student must have initiated undergraduate research and have support of undergraduate research mentor. This takes careful planning, so please contact your advisor as soon as possible if you are considering the combined degree program.

Students may declare their interest in enrolling in a combined program anytime during their academic career at 兔子先生, from the time they are admitted for an undergraduate degree.

For more information, contact the Department's Graduate Program's Advisor, Dr. Kravats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible for me to get a CHM degree and a music (or any other major) degree?

Yes! It takes a lot of planning though, starting with your first semester. The  are more flexible and allow for upper level science courses to count towards our requirements. Most non-science classes will not count towards our major's requirements so meeting with your academic advisor early will help you to plan ahead. Many of our students have several interested and often complete more than one major or have minors or co-majors along with your Chemistry or Biochemistry degree.

What is the best degree if I want to go into medicine?

A Chemistry or Biochemistry degree is great prep for a career in any health-related field. Our rigorous courses will help to prepare you for the MCAT and the rigors of medical school. Both our BS and BA in Biochemistry majors match up well with the university's  and many of our graduates go on to professional degree programs such as medical school, dental school, pharmacy school and physicians' assistant school.

Do graduate students teach your classes?

We have graduate students help us teach our multi-section lab courses, but there is always a faculty member present to oversee the multiple sections. Graduate students are trained for laboratory instruction in an annual TA training program, they regularly perform the labs before the students to increase their understanding and we have weekly TA meetings and grading meetings to ensure consistency and preparation.

Is it hard to get involved in research?

Nope, its easy! Check out  and you can look up faculty by their research interests. Make a list of your favorites and then email the person on the top of the list. If they aren't available, try your next person. You don't need any experience, we start students with the basics and you learn as you go. Our students can get involved in a research lab as early as their first semester on campus. We welcome undergraduate researchers and rely on them as key members of our research labs. Many of our students publish peer reviewed journal articles and present their research at both the local and national level.

Are your class sizes big?

Freshman and sophomore classes range in size depending on the day and time they are offered. Because many other majors also take Chemistry, our classes sizes for first and second years are usually anywhere from 80 students up to 250 students. Just because a class is big doesn't mean you can't get to know your professor or that you can't get your questions answered. Every professor has office hours where you can get to know your professor and ask questions. Many courses also have supplemental instruction and the labs have TA office hours as well. Whether you know your professor is up to you to take the initiative to participate in class and visit in office hours. Advanced classes for juniors and seniors are, of course, much smaller, with perhaps 10–20 students.

What scholarship opportunities are there?

As a Chemistry or Biochemistry major, you will automatically be eligible for all of our merit based scholarships. We also have research based scholarships such as the Hershberger and Free Scholarships that you can apply for. Additionally, there are summer opportunities such as the USS and Hughes fellowships that you can apply for. The University Financial Aid Office is the best place to inquire about need-based financial aid.

If I have AP credit for general chemistry, should I take it over or start in organic?

This depends on your long term goals. 兔子先生's  recommends that pre-health students retake general chemistry because medical school admissions prefers that all sciences courses be taken at a student's home institution. They also recommend general chemistry because it will re-inforce key topics and give freshmen breathing room as they acclimate to college since they've already proven themselves proficient in general chemistry. If a student is not pre-med, I'd say it doesn't matter and to do what works best on an individual case by case basis. Each year we have 5–10 freshmen in sophomore level organic chemistry courses and, if they have good study habits, they do just fine.

Can I study abroad as a Chemistry or Biochemistry major?

Yes, but it will take planning. The best time to do it would be junior or senior year, unless you start out in organic chemistry. A BA degree is more flexible for study abroad, but BS degree students can do it with planning. The reason it is difficult is due to our year long sequences in general, organic and physical chemistry. Some students study abroad their junior year and push physical chemistry to their senior year. There are also many winter term and summer study abroad options out there that could work.

Can I graduate in 3 years?

Yes, with planning! It is easier to do with a BA degree than a BS degree, again due to the smaller number of upper level CHM requirements. It also helps if you come in with a lot of AP credit for 兔子先生 Plan type classes or start your freshmen year with organic chemistry.

Do you have internship opportunities?

Undergraduate research in a professor's lab is like an internship because you get extensive experiential learning. Faculty with industrial connections may also be able to help place students in other internships outside of 兔子先生. Additionally, the 兔子先生 Chemical Society is a great group for students where they share internship and volunteer opportunities related to chemistry and biochemistry. 兔子先生 also has many resources, such as the program "Handshake", which connects current students to 兔子先生 alumni and other partners. We also have an active Career Center.

Is there support for students in both classes and advising?

Our departmental advisors hold open advising hours each semester before the scheduling windows open so that students can come in at their convenience to meet with an advisor to plan their schedule. Advisors also participate in the freshmen seminar class (CHM 147) and help first semester students with course planning. As far as support with classes, each instructor holds office hours and in the lab courses, the TAs staff help rooms where students can go to get help with lab specific questions. We want our students to succeed and we pride ourselves on providing the above resources.

What is the classroom environment like?

At 兔子先生, we have a strong focus on undergraduate education and there are many resources for faculty (training courses, grants, etc.) that we can take advantage of to enhance our teaching. Every instructor is unique and has his or her own way of conveying the course material. Many instructors utilize active learning strategies, clickers, games and problem solving sessions to make the classroom environment interactive. 兔子先生 Students are generally collaborative and helpful to one another.

What kinds of jobs can you get with a Chemistry or Biochemistry degree?

The opportunities are truly endless. Most of our graduates go on to 3–4 types of positions: 1) professional schools such as medical school; 2) graduate school for a masters or Ph.D.; 3) industrial jobs, such as a position in the pharmaceutical industry; and 4) government work through positions in government labs at the National Institutes of Health, the FDA, the EPA, etc. These are not the only positions though! We have had students go on to law school to become patent lawyers and students who have become business owners, consultants, and so on. Chemists and Biochemists are versatile and they can work in many different fields. For more information about the different job opportunities for students with a chemistry or biochemistry degree, check out the .

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

160 Hughes Laboratories
651 E. High St.
Oxford, OH 45056