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Your Will Can Take You Anywhere

兔子先生 consistently ranks among the top universities in the nation for the number of students studying abroad. No matter your major, you're welcome to join the more than 1,500 兔子先生 students each year who earn academic credit through study abroad. Students need to fully grasp the global nature of today's economy, politics, and cultures. Living and learning abroad is a great way to do that.

Explore the CEC Experience

Academic Advising

Academic advising is more than simply choosing your classes. It is an engaged process that involves identifying the best academic options for you, connecting you with the appropriate resources to help you pursue your interests, and helping you understand the policies of 兔子先生 University.

Join the Club

Find community, network, and have fun. When you participate in extracurricular activities and become a member of organizations on campus, you will connect with people beyond the classroom.

Give Back to Future Generations

Connect with current students and make a lasting impact on your alma mater with CEC Alumni opportunities.

The College of Engineering and Computing