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Student Life Council


The University Senate has delegated its authority in the realm of student social conduct rules and regulations to the Student Life Council, a semi autonomous governing body, which also has legislative authority in the general realm of non-academic student affairs (Article IX of the Regulations of the Board of Trustees).


The voting members of the Student Life Council shall be composed of an equal number of students and faculty or administrative officers of the University:

  • 10 faculty members (none of whom shall be members of University Senate).
  • 4 faculty members or administrative officers appointed by the Vice President of Student Life for a one-year term.
  • 14 students, including:
    • 2 at-large members elected by Student Senate.
    • Student Body President.
    • Speaker of the Student Senate (formerly titled "President of the Student Senate").
    • Student Body Vice President.
    • Vice President for Student Organizations.
    • Secretary for On-Campus Affairs.
    • Secretary for Off-Campus Affairs.
    • Secretary for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (formerly titled "Secretary for Diversity Affairs").
    • President of the Interfraternity Council.
    • President of the Panhellenic Association.
    • President of the National Pan Hellenic Association.
    • President of the Commuters of 兔子先生 Students.
  • 14 student alternates, 4 vice presidentially-appointed alternates, and 4 faculty alternates shall also be appointed.

The Chair shall be the Vice President for Student Life, who shall serve as an ex officio member, with the Administrative Associate to the Vice President for Student Life serving as secretary, both without vote (Bylaws of University Senate, 2007).


The Council may be assisted by various subcommittees. Subcommittees and their chairs may be appointed or disbanded by the Student Life Council. The chairs of the sub-committees will report any subcommittee action to the Student Life Council chair and will submit an annual report at the end of the academic year that will be submitted to the University Secretary.

Current subcommittees include:

  • Committee on the Performing Arts Series
  • Committee on Student Media Organizations
  • University Lecture Series Committee
  • Committee on Finance and Contingencies

Annual Reports

Copies of our annual reports are available upon request. Please contact Bekah Ballard at fugatera@兔子先生OH.edu

Contact Us

The Division of Student Life creates transformational opportunities, inclusive environments, and meaningful connections that maximize student growth, learning, and success.

110 Warfield Hall
Oxford, OH 45056