Purpose: Professional Development is a continuous process throughout the professional life of an educator. It begins upon entrance into teacher education and continues to one’s retirement from the profession. Professional Development for Middle Childhood can take many forms. Professional Development includes activities above and beyond course requirements and that are related to middle childhood. Below is a brief list of possibilities and the category which each would fall under.
Attending Professional Development | Volunteerism | Reading, Movies, Professional* |
Membership in MUCTM Speakers | Adopt-A-School Attending School Events |
1 article/1 hour 1 book/3 hours 1 movie/2 hours |
*Indicates hours above required field experience/required professional development for field experience and readings or movies not required for a course.
There are six key benchmarks that are and will be relevant as delineated below.
The professional development plan will be collected at the end of your Early Field Block and at the end of your Content Block. You may begin collecting IPDP at the beginning of your Early Field Block through the end of your Content Block. IPDP will not be accepted prior to your Early Field Block. You may also collect IPDP over the summer between your Early Field Block and Content Block.
To submit IPDP, you will need the following:
It is strongly suggested that you include your IPDP in your teaching portfolio.
NAME: William McGuffey
Anticipated Areas of Licensure: Language Arts/Math
Category of Professional Development:
*Attending Professional • Volunteerism • Reading • Other Development
OVERVIEW: I will attend monthly meetings of MUCTM.
OBJECTIVES: Standard 5 – Middle Level Instruction and Assessment. By attending the monthly meetings of MUCTM, I will become more familiar with the various concepts, principles, theories and research related to effective instruction and assessment in the field of middle school mathematics. I will e able to use this new knowledge as I progress through the MCE Program and my future classroom.
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES: Attendance and participation at monthly MUCTM meetings.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: Knowledge gained by attending the monthly MUCTM meetings will be reflected in assignments related to curriculum.
SYNTHESIS OF LEARNING: Attending the monthly MUCTM meetings provided me with valuable information regarding teaching mathematics to middle school students. The February meeting focused on the current revision of the Mathematics Academic Content Standards. This is critical for me to understand not only the curriculum I will be accountable for teaching, but the process involved in organizing the curriculum. The March meeting focused on the misconceptions of fractions. Fractions is a math area that many students have difficulty. Understanding the misconceptions will better enable me to help my future students dispel these misconceptions and guide my instruction. The April meeting was a panel of math teachers. Many suggestions for classroom management were provided as well as engaging lessons. I have numerous ideas for establishing a mathematical learning community in my classroom as well as lessons.
EVIDENCE: Attached you will find the flyers announcing the monthly MUCTM meetings. 3 hours of IPDP
501 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056
1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
7847 VOA Park Dr.
(Corner of VOA Park Dr. and Cox Rd.)
West Chester, OH 45069
Chateau de Differdange
1, Impasse du Chateau, L-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
217-222 MacMillan Hall
501 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA