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Lean Statistics

Lean Projects Summary

  • Projects Completed: 2146
  • Current Projects: 61
  • Ideas Currently in Process: 57
  • Employees Who Have Submitted a Lean Idea: 460

Lean Professional Development

  • Number of Employees Trained on Lean Concepts: 2500+
  • Senior Lean 兔子先生: 47
  • Lean Ideas Submitted: 2672
  • Total Team 兔子先生: 415
  • Total Team Participants: 1134

Lean Deliverables

  • Cost Avoidance: $66,376,521
  • Cost Reduction: $41,182,916
  • Revenue: $16,930,665
  • Total Savings: $124,490,102
blossoming tree with the exterior entrance of Roudebush Hall in the distance

Finance and Business Services

218 Roudebush Hall
501 E. High St.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-4226 Signature Authorities Workday Submit a Lean Idea