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CPT Application Process

  1. Log in to your  using your UniqueID and password. Go to F-1 Practical Training and complete the e-form Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Request.
    1. Before submission, confirm that your job offer contains all needed information:
      1. On employer letterhead
      2. Start date and end date
      3. Number of hours per week that you will be working – it is not sufficient for it to say “part-time” or “full-time.” Regulations define part-time employment as 20 hours per week or less. Anything over 20 hours per week is considered full-time employment.
      4. Physical location of your employer (street address, city, state, and ZIP code) – P.O. Boxes are not acceptable.
      5. Job title
      6. Job description
    2. Most employers do not issue job offer letters that provide all required information. If your job offer is missing information, please email your employer for the documentation that is needed. Upload that email (with sender and time stamp) in addition to your job offer to your CPT request. If any information is missing at the time of review, ISSS will stop processing your request and require that you gather the missing documentation. Do not skip this step.
  2. After your CPT request and job offer are reviewed and determined to be complete, ISSS will contact your Department Internship Coordinator (or Faculty Advisor if you are a graduate student in the dissertation or thesis stage of program) to determine how the job opportunity connects to your curriculum.
  3. If your CPT request is determined to be integral to your curriculum, ISSS will work with the appropriate offices to facilitate your enrollment in a course that connects to your job opportunity. The course:
    1. Can be for as few as zero (0) credits (if available) through your department.
    2. May be an internship course, independent study, or, if a graduate student with thesis/dissertation, a research course.
    3. Should be completed during the same period for which you are requesting CPT authorization.
    4. May not have regular meeting times, but there will still be required assignments, even if the course is for 0-credits. It is important to remember that you must complete course requirements while completing your work experience.

You must remain in the internship course for entirety of the term. Withdrawing from the course that is linked to your CPT work authorization immediately cancels the CPT authorization. Work done without CPT authorization is a violation of status.

  1. After you are registered in the required course, ISSS will issue your CPT work authorization and email you an updated I-20 to your 兔子先生 email.

    You may NOT begin working until you have obtained CPT work authorization from ISSS!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I extend my CPT?

If you wish to extend your CPT authorization, please follow the instructions above and complete step 1 of the CPT Application Process. Make sure your job offer contains your new end date. ISSS must receive your application at least three weeks prior to your current CPT expiration in order to avoid a gap in employment.

How do I shorten my CPT?

If you wish to shorten your CPT authorization, email international@兔子先生OH.edu at least two weeks prior to the expiration of your CPT. We will also need confirmation of your change in end date from your employer.

Can I change employers if I have CPT authorization? Can I work full-time instead of part-time, or vice-versa?

No. CPT is job-specific. You will be authorized to work for a specific employer at a specific location either part-time or full-time for a specific period of time. Any work done outside of this authorization would be a violation of legal status. If you wish to change employers, you will need to submit a new CPT request in  (see CPT Application Process above). If you wish to shorten your original CPT authorization period, please see the relevant FAQ above.

Do I need CPT authorization for unpaid work?

If you will be pursuing an unpaid internship that is directly related to your major, ISSS strongly recommends that you apply for CPT authorization. If you are offered any compensation for your services (room, board, bonuses, etc.), this is considered employment and you MUST have authorization. In addition, you must be careful not to “volunteer” without pay for positions that would normally be paid. This is a violation of labor law.

Can I have CPT for my minor?

No. CPT must be directly related to the student’s major field of study at 兔子先生. Minors do not qualify.

Can I use CPT to engage in self-employment or open a business?

No. To apply for CPT, you must have a job offer from an established employer (someone other than yourself).

I have resumed my studies after a leave of absence or violation of status. Am I eligible for CPT?

No. After returning to the U.S. with a new initial I-20, your immigration “clock” starts over. You would have to complete one academic year as a full-time student in the US after your return in order to be eligible for practical training.

I just transferred to 兔子先生 after studying at another U.S. school. Am I eligible for CPT or do I have to wait a year?

As long as you have been enrolled as a full-time student in the U.S. for at least one academic year and have continuously maintained legal status, you are eligible for CPT. However, you must meet all other criteria for CPT and must enroll full-time each fall and spring semester. ISSS reserves the right to deny CPT applications if there are concerns about the job being an integral part of the student’s curriculum or about the student’s ability to make normal progress toward degree completion.

I just finished OPT and am beginning a new degree program at 兔子先生. Am I eligible for CPT or do I have to wait a year?

As long as you have been enrolled as a full-time student in the U.S. for at least one academic year and have continuously maintained legal status, you are eligible for CPT. However, you must meet all other criteria for CPT and must enroll full-time each fall and spring semester. ISSS reserves the right to deny CPT applications if there are concerns about the job being an integral part of the student’s curriculum or about the student’s ability to make normal progress toward degree completion.

I just finished ACE or another English language program—am I eligible for CPT?

A student studying English in an intensive English language training program is not eligible for practical training. In addition, time spent studying in an intensive English program for which you were issued a Language Training I-20 does not count toward the one year of full-time study that is required in order to be eligible for CPT.

I am a non-degree student—can I have CPT?

You will be eligible for CPT only if you are pursuing an educational objective such as a certificate or licensure program. Students who are simply taking courses as a non-degree student (for example, taking prerequisites for a graduate program) are not eligible for CPT.

What is the difference between CPT and OPT?

CPT is Curricular Practical Training and therefore may only be used by students who are currently pursuing a degree at 兔子先生 University. It may not be used prior to the start of a degree program or after completion of a degree program. OPT is typically used after completion of a degree program. View more information about OPT»

Additionally, CPT does not have an application fee (OPT does) and applications are processed by ISSS, whereas OPT applications are processed by the U.S. government.

Will CPT affect my eligibility for OPT?

Students who engage in a total of 12 months or more of full-time CPT at a particular degree level will lose their eligibility to apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT) for that degree level. Students who engage in less than 12 months of full-time CPT at a particular degree level will likely retain their full eligibility for 12 months of OPT for that degree level. Part-time CPT typically has no effect on OPT eligibility.

At this time, the combination of utilizing both CPT and OPT is being reviewed more carefully by USCIS. If you have additional questions about this, please schedule an appointment with an ISSS Advisor.

View more information about OPT»

Can I apply for CPT after I have applied for OPT (for the same degree program)?

No. If you wish to apply for CPT for the final semester of your degree program, you must do so before applying for OPT. Once your OPT application has been submitted to USCIS you will no longer be eligible to apply for CPT.

Am I eligible for a Social Security number if I have CPT? If so, how do I apply?

Yes, you are eligible for a Social Security number if you have an authorized job in the U.S. For information about how to apply, please see Social Security.

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