Global Initiatives
214 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-8600 (phone)
513-529-8608 (fax)
Check back when applications open in Summer 2025!
A shorter version of the renowned MUDEC experience, the Winter 2026 in Luxembourg is an ideal choice for students who may not have the opportunity to study for a semester in Luxembourg. The six-credit-hour program offers courses in various disciplines that can be used for a Global Perspectives or other 兔子先生 Plan Foundation requirements in only six to seven weeks.
As part of the experience, students also take a 5-7 day trip to a European location known as a study tour. This hands-on experience complements the content learned in the classroom by allowing students the opportunity to visit the places they are learning about and to see it with their own eyes! Students planning to go in Winter 2026 will visit another European country on a week-long study tour, exploring topics related to the academic courses.
All fees are subject to change without notice, though 兔子先生 University will try to avoid this whenever possible. All summer and winter session courses and credit workshops are enrollment contingent, and are subject to cancellation due to low enrollment.
214 MacMillan Hall
531 E Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
513-529-8600 (phone)
513-529-8608 (fax)
1, Impasse du Château
L-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg