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Student Emergency Contact Information

All students are required to provide the University with a telephone number (cellular phone or landline) at which they may be reached during the academic year and for any summer terms in which they are enrolled. All students are required to provide the University with emergency contact information, including the name, address, and phone number (including a cellular phone number if available) of a parent, guardian, spouse, or other person to contact in the event of an emergency.

Students who do not reside on campus are required to provide the University with the street address of the residence in which they are physically residing during the academic year and any summer terms in which they are enrolled.

In addition to registering a general emergency contact, Residential Students have the option to provide the University with a confidential missing person contact to be notified in the event the student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours. A Residential Student may register the confidential missing person contact during the course registration process each term on a secure University website. A missing Residential Student's confidential contact information will be accessible by campus officials and may be shared with law enforcement in the course of the investigation.