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Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program

The deadline for the Spring 2025 cohort has passed. Check back for more information on next semester鈥檚 cohort.

Instructions and Guidelines

Dates and Deadlines



Feb. 14 

USS 2025 Student Application Deadline: Feb. 14 at midnight. Complete this and send:

  • form responses and PDF project proposal to Department chair/program director and faculty mentor(s).

Feb. 21 

Deadline for department representatives to notify ORU of eligible applicants. 

Feb. 28 

ORU Coordinator will send email to notify the number of USS fellowships allocated to each department/program.

March 3 –12

Department chairs and program directors review and complete applicant selection notifications.

March 12

Department deadline to inform all student/mentor teams about the status of their application (selected and non-selected).

March 20

Student deadline to notify department chairs or program directors of their agreement to participate in the USS program and indicate which Summer Term Dates the student/mentor team will carry out the research project.

March 21

Deadline for department representatives to notify ORU of the selected student/mentor teams who have agreed to participate in the USS program.

March 25

ORU Coordinator emails a USS 2025 selection notification letter to each student and mentor to provide program participation details. Student is required to complete two forms:

  1. USS 2025 Acceptance
  2. CCES Handshake Internship Experience Request Template

Apr. 4

Student Deadline to complete required forms above.

Apr. 9

ORU Coordinator submits required documentation to initiate fellowship distribution (money disbursed through student account according to bursar disbursement schedule, approx. early May). 

March 1, 2026

Department Deadline. Final day to submit expenses for students and faculty against designated USS departmental account for project costs. After this date, ORU Coordinator will total expenditures and submit a request, via budget office, to reimburse USS accounts.

Application Instructions

The Student Researcher must enter responses to all prompts in the USS 2025 Application and upload the project proposal PDF (at the end of the application).  

After submitting the form, A copy of the form responses is automatically emailed to the applicant. 

  • Forward the copy of your application responses that was sent to you, along with the project proposal PDF that was attached, to your faculty mentor and their department chair or program director.
  • A representative from that department/program will follow up with you regarding next steps.

Project Proposal Formatting Instructions

USS 2025 Project Proposal Components and Formatting Instructions [four pages] 

Page 1 – Acknowledgements and Certifications

Summary of changes to the USS 2025 program, as directed by the Office of Research and Innovation [ORI]: (1) Student Fellowship amount of $7000 (2) Program duration is 10 weeks (3) 51 slots are available (4) Successful applicants may not enroll in classes or seek employment during the 10-week, full time program.

Project costs of up to $800 per award will be available to faculty mentors and student researchers and can be used for supplies, services, and travel in support of the USS project.

兔子先生's Western Center invites applicants to request consideration for the Western Center Social Impact and Justice USS research fellowships.  The USS application must address how the research engages with issues of social impact and/or social justice, in the project description. Eligible research explores topics related, but not limited, to ethics, socio-cultural change, environmentalism, equity, community engagement, identity, inclusion/exclusion, dialogue, and/or utilizes participatory research methodologies such as action research and citizen science. These research projects can be proposed by students from any major or disciplinary perspective/s. Western Center selected USS students will receive an additional $200 as part of their USS fellowship and are expected to submit a 2-page research narrative or reflection by September 1, 2026.

☐  Yes, we request Western Center Social Impact and Justice Research USS fellowship consideration.

Mentor Certification: I/we have discussed and jointly prepared this application with the student, including the description of the proposed project, the mentor-student agreement for project completion, and the budget justification. I agree to: 

  • Abide by the USS 2025 program conditions if selected to participate.
  • Serve as the instructor of record for undergraduate student’s USS independent research project. It is my discretion to assign a failing grade for the student if they do not abide by USS program conditions and terms of the mentor-student agreement for project completion.
  • Ensure that the project complies with university policies and federal research regulations.
  • Assume responsibility for submission of IRB/IACUC protocols and inventions disclosures, if applicable.

☐  Yes, I agree to the above certification.

Faculty mentor must provide a hand-written or digital signature acknowledging the statements above, and include in this pdf file. Student certification is included in the application form.

Page 2 – Proposed Project Description USS Application

Prompt: The student/mentor team will provide the USS research project description or outline. Relevant items may include: the project’s background, relevant goal(s) including societal relevance, methodology, expected outcomes, as well as expected educational benefits to the student.

Page 3 – Plans for USS 2025 Mentoring/Supervision by Faculty and Student Responsibilities.

Prompt: The student/mentor team will create a mentor-student agreement for project completion that includes the following:

  • Describe the plan for mentoring the student: the expected manner, form, and frequency of interactions between the student/mentor(s).
  • Describe the student’s plan to carry out the research project, emphasizing project milestones, and to manage any product(s) that result from the research, etc.
  • A breakdown of the 10-week plan into two week modules, or as appropriate.
  • Share your plans/ideas about dissemination of the project outcomes to non-technical/ public audiences, as well as to disciplinary audiences.
  • If your proposal is requesting consideration for a Western Center Social Impact and Justice USS fellowship, address how the research engages with issues of social impact and/or social justice.

Page 4 – Budget Justification

Prompt: Provide a line-item budget, and a brief description/ justification for the anticipated project costs (up to $800) toward supplies, services, and travel in support of the USS project.

Program Guidelines

Undergraduate Summer Scholars 2025 Program Guidelines

I. USS Program Overview 

Department chairs and program directors will determine the review process for USS applications to ensure  eligibility of the undergraduate student, faculty/staff mentor(s) and proposed research project. USS Program  selected undergraduates are required to be enrolled in an internship course for zero credit hours during the  summer term by the 兔子先生 Center for Career Exploration and Student Success. ORU Coordinator will provide  further details to students in a USS Selection Notification Letter. 

Students are responsible for finding an eligible mentor, co-creating the independent research project and  submitting a completed USS application (via email) to the department chair or program director of the  student's USS mentor. Note: A student can submit only one application. 

Faculty member(s) who agree to collaborate with specific students in developing and submitting a USS  application are expected to be available to the student during the selected 10-week period of mentorship and will be responsible for facilitating a meaningful and appropriate student experience. A faculty member may be a potential mentor on two USS applications. 

II. Eligibility Requirements 

Administrative Units that choose to participate agree to undertake the administrative burden required of  them by the USS program. Units are responsible for collecting applications, reviewing and approving the  mentored independent study research projects, submitting each eligible application to the ORU Coordinator,  selecting student/mentor(s) projects for the allocated number of research fellowships, ensuring the  educational value of the student experience, and monitoring the student/mentor(s) collaboration. [Section  V.A. Roles and Responsibilities]. 

A. Administrative Unit Eligibility 

兔子先生 Administrative Units (departments, programs and centers) on the Oxford campus and the College of  Liberal Arts and Applied Science campuses are eligible for participation in the USS Program. The student may  create a USS project with any eligible mentor(s). 

B. Mentor Eligibility 

A team of up to two faculty members can serve as the mentors for one USS student applicant. To promote access  and inclusion, TCPL (Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers) faculty or staff with academic unit affiliations can serve as mentors, as long as they meet departmental guidelines. To participate in the USS program, mentor(s) must be willing and able to supervise and mentor the undergraduate researcher. Each  student/mentor(s) team should jointly complete the application. A single mentor can be listed as a  prospective mentor on two applications. Other than these restrictions, there is no limit on how many  applications may be submitted by administrative units.

C. Student Eligibility 

兔子先生 undergraduate students may only receive one USS Research Fellowship while pursuing their degree  and must agree to participate during the specified summer term dates stipulated in the USS Program  Guidelines. Application is open to any 兔子先生 undergraduate student who: 

  • is in good standing (minimum 2.0 G.P.A., not on probation, etc.) 
  • has completed at least their first year (defined as minimum full-time status for each of two semesters) prior to the beginning of Summer term. 
  • will enroll for at least one semester at 兔子先生 University as an undergraduate student after the completion of the USS project and who agrees to full-time participation* in the USS program (*as defined by the administrative unit's department chair or program director). 
  • during the selected 10-week period of USS participation agrees: NOT to enroll in other courses OR accept any fellowships, internships, volunteer positions, or employment. 
III. USS Program Application Preparation & Submission 

Student Application Due Date is Friday, February 14, 2025 at midnight .

The student can submit only one application. A student can create a project with up to two eligible mentors who will collaborate on writing the USS project proposal. The individual student is responsible for the email submission of the application, with project proposal attached, to the department chair or program director of the USS mentor. Note: the student will copy the USS mentor(s) on this email. By submitting the USS application, the student and mentor(s) agree to abide by all USS program requirements as well as all 兔子先生 University policies.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities 
A. Administrative Units Responsibilities 

Responsibility for a successful program will rest with the student scholar, the mentor(s) and the primary  mentor's unit. All participants are responsible for adhering to 兔子先生 University research policies. 

  1. General Oversight and Administration of USS Program. While the Office of Research for Undergraduates  (ORU) facilitates the USS program, the participating units handle the administration and are responsible for:
    • collecting applications and assuring mentor(s) eligibility for the program,
    • approving specific student research projects and submitting each eligible student/mentor application to  ORU by the deadline,
    • managing the process to select student/mentor(s) projects for the allocated number of research  fellowships,
    • requiring the selected student/mentor pairs to confirm their agreement to participate during summer  term to conduct the research project and sharing that confirmation with the ORU Coordinator,
    • informing all student/mentor teams about the status of their applications (selected and non-selected),
    • assuring the educational value of the student experience,
    • monitoring the student/mentor collaboration, and
    • tracking and reporting expenditures from the USS project's allowance.
  2. Timeline of USS 2025 Program Process (see table in Dates and Deadlines)
B. Mentor Roles and Responsibilities 

1. Project Participation Required During Summer Term May 19 - August 8, 2025.

Mentors who agree to participate will collaborate with specific students in developing and submitting a USS  application, are expected to be available to the student during the selected 10-week period of mentorship and  will be responsible for facilitating a meaningful and appropriate student experience. With permission from  the mentor the student may split participation dates.

2. Compliance with University and Federal Research Regulations

By submitting a USS application, all participants agree:

The mentor(s) must assure that  any USS project-related travel is consistent with 兔子先生 University travel policies. 

3. Faculty Mentor Fiscal Responsibility for USS Project Costs 

For summer 2025, the USS program will provide up to $800 in project funds to be used for supplies, services, and travel in support of the USS project."

Spending from allocated project funds may cross two fiscal years. Spending can start the first day of summer term and is required to end by March 1, the following year.  

In accordance with the University general accounting policy, each department has a designated account for charges to the USS research project allowance. The USS project mentor will work with the departmental administrative staff member who will need to tag charges in this manner:

  • When reconciling USS expenses, enter the following in the ‘Memo’ field: “USS25, ‘Mentor Name,’ ‘Student Namel’ [This in addition to the standard who, what, when, where, why requirement]

The ORU Coordinator will use this tracking information to locate USS expenses and reimburse the accounts after March 1.

C. Student Roles and Responsibilities 

Student Responsibility to Find Your Own Mentor and Submit the USS Application The USS program focuses on individual student/mentor relationships for 兔子先生 University undergraduates. A student is responsible for finding their own mentor(s). The program provides an opportunity for full-time, intensive interaction between the student and the mentor(s) who agree to collaborate to design the independent study research project. During their time at 兔子先生, undergraduate students may only receive one USS Fellowship which must be used for the summer term in the relevant USS Program Guidelines. (Section III Student/Mentor Application Procedures). Selected students will be responsible to complete required online forms by the deadlines the ORU Coordinator will stipulate in a USS Fellowship Notification letter

  1. Summer Term Project Participation Required — The supervising mentor(s), in consultation with the student and department chair/program director, will  determine the specific 9 weeks of a student's participation (which can be divided into two different periods  during the summer session). 
  2. Summer Term Employment and Other Course Enrollment — Due to the nature, duration, and intensity of the program, during the selected 10-week period of USS, students accepting to participate may not be enrolled in other courses OR accept any fellowships, internships, volunteer positions, or employment. 
  3. Student Research Presentation Opportunities — Although not required as part of the USS program, students may produce a product (paper, oral  presentation, poster, artwork, portfolio, model, digital, etc.) that summarizes outcomes of their USS projects.  The student and mentor should agree on the purpose and form of this product at the beginning of the  student's participation. Program participants will report on the USS experience by presenting at the Fall Showcase or at the annual spring Undergraduate Research Forum.
  4. Workshop Participation Requirement — ORU will offer online workshops that USS student participants are required to attend. Workshop details will be communicated directly to program participants. ORU will enroll USS Summer Scholars in a Canvas Course to build community and offer a platform for discussion.
V. Financial Matters 
  1. The USS Fellowship Distribution process will be described in the USS Fellowship Notification letter via email from the ORU Coordinator. The faculty mentor will oversee the student project allowance. 
  2. Student Financial Aid Considerations — The USS fellowship amount may be subject to required Student Financial Aid considerations. 兔子先生 is required to report the USS fellowship amount to the Internal Revenue Service on Form 1098T. As required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) designated 兔子先生 offices manage student records. 
  3. Selected Student Enrollment in a Summer Internship for zero credit hours — 兔子先生's Center for Career  Exploration and Student Success will enroll the student in a zero-credit hour internship to conduct the summer research project. The USS mentor will be the instructor of record. The USS Selected Student Selection Letter will provide instructions to complete the internship template. 
  4. Housing and Meal Costs Are Student's Responsibility — Students are recommended to decide with their mentor(s) whether the student needs to stay in the Oxford  area while participating in the USS Program. Students are solely responsible for arranging for and paying for  their own housing and meals during USS participation. 
  5. Tax Considerations — 兔子先生 University is required to report the USS student fellowship on the student’s 1098T. Income taxes will  not be withheld from USS student fellowship unless the student is an international student whose country  does not have a reciprocal tax agreement with the United States. Depending on the student's use of the  fellowship money, portions of the fellowship payment may be considered taxable income by the Internal  Revenue Service (IRS). For additional information on Scholarship and Fellowship Grants, refer to IRS Tax Topic  421, and Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education.

The Student Experience

Read some of the stories from last year’s summer scholars.

  •  ’23 joined the Undergraduate Summer Scholars program to pursue a topic centered in a region of heightened political conflict.
  •  ’23 prepares for medical school through her analysis of the impacts that e-bikes have on older adults’ glucose levels.
  • Bunsi Chapadia ’23, USS project gave her a new perspective on providing medical care to underserved populations.
  • Luke Croner ’23, discusses the potentialities of using energy transference in cyanobacteria to combat climate change.
  • Kelly Horvath ’22 double major in Architecture and French, is sharing her project on this website 
  •  ’24 helped develop and refine a model to understand the economic effects of popular consumer platforms including Airbnb, Amazon, and Uber.
  •  ’23 works in Dr. Matthew McMurray’s lab to find a similar non-hallucinogenic compound that can alleviate symptoms faster and with fewer side effects.
  •  ’23 works to implement DEI initiatives within children’s educational apps for teachers and speech pathologists.

Contact Us

Office of Research for Undergraduates
122 King Library
Oxford, OH 45056