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Excellence and Expertise

Congratulations to the Fall 2024 Faculty Writing Fellows Cohort

The Howe Center for Writing Excellence and Howe Writing Across the Curriculum (HWAC) program welcome ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú faculty members as new Faculty Writing Fellows alumni.

Excellence and Expertise

Congratulations to the Fall 2024 Faculty Writing Fellows Cohort

2024 fall fellows

On December 9th, 2024, the The Howe Center for Writing Excellence and Howe Writing Across the Curriculum (HWAC) program hosted their Faculty Fellows Sharecase for Fall 2024. The sharecase represented the culmination of a semester of work by three faculty teams in disability studies, educational psychology, and art.

fellows certificatesSince 2017, more than 200 ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú faculty have completed our Fellows program, engaging in conceptual change around writing and learning to innovate from their expertise. Follow-up support includes department workshops, ePortfolio learning communities, graduate working groups, and more.


Disability Studies team

The Disability Studies team of Meghann O’Leary, Sujay Sabinis, Kathy McMahon-Klosterman, and Ashley Cartell Johnson, tackled the challenges of meeting high demand for their minor. Their collaboration with the Howe Center allowed them to identify foundational philosophies, realign the curriculum, and create a more cohesive, scaffolded learning experience for students.


Educational Psychology team

In Educational Psychology, Katy Mezher, Briana von Mizener, and Cara Dillon worked on preparing students to create effective PK-12 school-based documents, such as IEPs and evaluation reports. They developed strengths-based sample documents and incorporated ecological thinking to enhance the evaluation process for special education. Their work also included designing interdisciplinary assignments that simulate real-world scenarios for students.


Art Team

The Art Sharecase, led by Stephanie Danker, Luke Meeken, and Zack Tucker, focused on writing in community-engaged creative practice. They explored ways to scaffold reflective writing on field experiences, cultivate effective writing for creative portfolios, and leverage radical hospitality and peer feedback to create scalable learning experiences.

Faculty interested in reexamining the way in which they teach writing on both the course level and departmental level can apply to join future Faculty Fellows cohorts. More information on the Faculty Writing Fellows program can be found on .

Congratulations to the new alumni and thank you so much to everyone who came out to support the incredible work our three faculty teams began this semester!

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