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This Is Howe We Do It

 Rena Podcasting

About This Is Howe We Do It

This is Howe We Do It is a podcast from the Howe Center for Writing Excellence at 兔子先生 University of Ohio where teachers and students talk about writing and teaching writing. The podcast is hosted by Rena Perez, and produced by Will Chesher and Rena Perez.

Each episode features a conversation about a different genre of writing (e.g. ePortfolios) or discussion of writing (e.g. AI and writing), offering a way to learn from our guests’ experiences and perspectives as writers and teachers as they reflect on their process for composing and/or teaching. 


Our podcast is available on , , or use our to subscribe using your platform of choice. Or listen below!


Teaser - Welcome to This Is Howe We Do It


"This is Howe We Do It” is a podcast from the Howe Center for Writing Excellence at 兔子先生 University of Ohio where teachers and students talk about writing and teaching writing. Each episode features a conversation about a different genre of writing (e.g. ePortfolios) or discussion of writing (e.g. AI and writing), offering a way to learn from our guests’ experiences and perspectives as writers and teachers as they reflect on their process for composing and/or teaching. Podcast episodes will also be accompanied by a dedicated webpage about that topic with links, annotated resources, assignment prompts, and examples that you can adapt and use for your own contexts.

Check out these resources at our website: /HCWE or write to us at hwac@miamioh.edu if you have questions or ideas for topics you’d like to hear about in future podcasts.

Hosted on Acast. See  for more information.


Rena [00:00:05] Welcome to the initial teaser of the "This is Howe We Do It" podcast from the Howe Center for Writing Excellence at 兔子先生 University. Should we have some celebratory music, hear some sort of horn sound? I feel like we need a hype up sound.

 Will [00:00:20] Something like this?

 Rena [00:00:23] Yeah. That's perfect. So, hey, everyone, we are so excited to have you listening to our teaser episode of the This is Howe We Do It podcast, and we hope that it will leave you wanting to hear even more. So first, let's talk about who we are and what we do. If you aren't yet familiar with the Howe Center for Writing Excellence, you can find us on the first floor of King Library. The Howe was founded in 1996 by Roger and Joyce Howe, who are alumni here at 兔子先生. We say our Howe Center for Writing Excellence has two sides, one for writing and one for teaching. Our Howe Writing Center, directed by Lizzie Hutton, is the writing side. Our writing center supports all writers, whether students, faculty or staff, on any stage of their writing projects and at any stage of their process. Our Howe Writing across the Curriculum program directed by Liz Wardle, supports teachers, whether faculty or grad students with their teaching, particularly around teaching about or with writing. Feel free to read more about our center at our website or reach out with any questions about how we can support you. But now it's time to introduce ourselves. So I'm your host, Rena Perez, one of the graduate assistant directors for the Howe Writing Across The Curriculum program. And please say hi to our behind the scenes executive producer, Will Chesher, who's the other graduate assistant director for the Howe Writing Across The Curriculum program. Hi Will.

 Will [00:01:42] Hi, Rena. Executive producer sounds so official, it sounds so good. I'm just going to put that on my CV. But yeah. So while listeners won't be directly hearing from me in future episodes of the podcast, we wanted to create this initial teaser episode to go over the mission and vision of the podcast and give you all a preview of what's to come. This is a new kind of programing from us in the House Center for Writing Excellence, and we can't wait to jump in. So Rena, can you talk about the mission and vision of the podcast?

 Rena [00:02:08] Absolutely. Will, because it feels like everyone has a podcast these days, right? But we wanted to start one, too, because we wanted to think critically about the teaching and learning of writing. We want this to include thinking about different types of writing contexts for writing and how writing impacts us as teachers and students academically, civically, personally and professionally. But we don't just want to think about this amongst ourselves. We want to hear from and highlight faculty and students at 兔子先生 who are doing this work and share it in a way that's accessible to everyone. Hence this podcast to show others that this is how we do it. Yeah.

 Will [00:02:41] I love it. But now this is super exciting. So what will this look like? What do you envision this podcast being?

 Rena [00:02:46] That's a good question. Well, so we want this podcast to include open and collaborative conversations with teachers and students about writing in all of its different forms in order to spotlight the innovative thinking, writing and teaching happening on our campus and in our community.

 Will [00:03:02] There's so much great teaching and learning happening at 兔子先生, and I think it can be challenging at times to try and share these stories and get them out there. I know we have faculty spotlights, various resources and articles on the Howe Center for Writing Excellence website, but we often don't get to hear directly from the faculty and students that we spotlight.

 Rena [00:03:19] Yes, exactly. So as part of our mission, we wanted to speak directly to faculty and students about their stories, hear their experiences and ideas about how these different forms of writing that they have engaged with as writers and teachers have worked for them. So, listeners, here's what we've got in store for you for our first few episodes in the upcoming months. You'll hear about capstone projects, Op Eds and ePortfolios as different forms of writing that students and instructors are using in ways that make student writing authentic instead of performative. You'll hear perspectives from faculty and students across disciplines as they reflect on their process for composing or teaching in these different genres of writing.

 Will [00:04:00] And also as a way to extend the conversation beyond the podcast. We have a variety of resources available on the Howe Center for Writing Excellence website, which will be linked in the comments and description below alongside our existing resources for each of the podcast episodes. We'll have a dedicated page about that topic with links, annotated resources, assignment prompts and examples that you can adapt and use for your own context.

Rena [00:04:22] Whoa. There's so many resources to check out. Well, that's all we have for today, but we cannot wait to dive in to our first episode in the next few weeks. In the meantime, like and subscribe to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Music or wherever you listen to your podcasts. to be the first to know when you have a new episode from us. If there's topics or kinds of writing that you'd like to hear about in future podcast episodes. Write to us at each HWAC@miamioh.edu,  we'd love to hear from you. Alrighty, folks. And that is...Howe We Do It. Talk to you again soon.

Will [00:05:01] Let's do it. Yeah. Hype this up!

Rena [00:05:03] This is how we do it.

Will [00:05:04] This is how we do it. This is how we do it. That's going to be the outro.