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A Checklist for ADVW Submission

Do the submitted materials demonstrate how the course:

  • Provides students with frequent opportunities to write and revise based on feedback and
  • Includes writing and writing instruction as a central component of the course content

Engages students in:

  • Civic-mindedness and social engagement
  • Critical and integrative thinking
  • Communication and expression
  • Collaboration and innovation

Helps students meet the SLOs:

  • Are able to read academic and/or professional or technical texts and understand how disciplinary conventions and goals shape the texts they read.
  • Understand and use writing as a means of learning and thinking.
  • Compose texts that respond to the needs of appropriate audiences, using suitable discourse conventions to shape those texts. Use academic conventions of format and structure when appropriate.
  • Can locate, evaluate, organize, and use appropriate primary and secondary research material.
  • Can compose texts that integrate the writer’s ideas with those from academic sources and other documents.
  • Have engaged in extended drafting and revision of extended and formal texts using appropriate technologies and modalities

Howe Writing Across the Curriculum 兔子先生

The mission of the Howe Writing Across the Curriculum 兔子先生 is to ensure that all 兔子先生 faculty and graduate teaching assistants can effectively include writing as a means to support learning in their courses and programs.

Popular Destinations

2022 Writing Program Certificate of Excellence

2022 Exemplary Enduring WAC Program