Research Opportunities
Recent Faculty Publications
Katherine Mezher, Ph.D.
- McClain, M. B., Shahidullah, J. D., & Mezher, K. R. (Eds.) (2020). New York: Springer.
- Shahidullah, J. D., Brunson McClain, M., Azad, G., Mezher, K. R., & McIntyre, L. L. (2020.) . Intervention in School and Clinic, 56(2).
- McClain, M.B., Shahidullah, J.D., Mezher, K.R. et al. . J Autism Dev Disord 50, 3081–3091 (2020).
Amity Noltemeyer, Ph.D.
- Noltemeyer, A., Meehan, C., Jordan, E., & Petrasek, M. (2021). Implementing statewide practices that promote student wellness and resilience (pp. 459-480). In P.J. Lazarus, S. Suldo, & B. Doll (Eds.), Fostering the emotional well-being of our youth: A school-based approach. Oxford University Press.
- Noltemeyer, A., Huang, H., Meehan, C., Jordan, E., Morio, K., Shaw, K., Oberlin, K. (2020) , Journal of Applied School Psychology, 36:1, 1-19.
- Noltemeyer, A., Palmer, K., James, A., & Petrasek, M. (2019). Disciplinary and achievement outcomes associated with school-wide PBIS implementation level. School Psychology Review, 48 (1), 81-87.
Sujay Sabnis, Ph.D.
- Sabnis, S. & Newman, D. (2022). . School Psychology Review. Advance online publication.
- Sabnis, S. & Proctor, S. (2021). , School Psychology Review. Advance online publication.
- Sabnis, S., & Bueno Martinez, C. (2021). DisCrit: Disability critical race theory in school psychology. In S. Proctor & D. Rivera (Eds.), . Routledge.
Recent Student Publications
- Wasburn-Moses, L., & Rumford, L. (in press). “Becoming the best versions of ourselves": Supporting foster youth in transition to adult life. Journal of Foster Care.
- Brann, K. L., Daniels, B., Chafouleas, S. M., & DiOrio, C. A. (2021) , School Psychology Review.
- Brann, K. L., Baker, D., Smith-Millman, M. K., Watt, S. J., & DiOrio, C. (2021). . Children and Youth Services Review, 121.
- McMahon, C.M., Linthicum, M. & Stoll, B. (2021). Developmental disability vs. neurodiverse identity: How cognitive lens affects the general public’s perceptions of autism, Disability & Society.
Recent Student Presentations
- "How Do Challenging Classroom Behaviors in a Simulated Reality Environment Affect Physiological and Psychological Responses of Pre-Service Teachers with Low and High Teacher Self-Efficacy,"
- Bradley Davis & Dr. Darrel Davis; Virtual Poster Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists, 2021
- "KEEP CHANGING: How to Teach, and FLIP Our Thinking of Fractions"
- Megan Dingus, Dr. Sarah Watt; Virtual Conference at the Ohio Council for Teacher of Mathematics, 2020
- "Secondary School Professionals' Perceptions of Barriers to Mental Health Services: A Mixed Method Exploration of Barriers"
- Katherine Kowalski M.S., Kristy Brann Ph.D., Anthony James Ph.D.; Virtual Poster Presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists, 2021