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Graduate Student Research Support Award

Application and Overview

Awards will not exceed $300 for master’s students or $600 for doctoral students, and will often be less, depending on the demand. Due to limited funding availability, students who have received this award in the past are not eligible to re-apply.

Funds are intended to be for expenses associated with conducting the research. Requests for travel funding to present the findings at a professional conference will generally not be considered (students are encouraged to instead apply to the for that purpose); however, travel and conference funding requests may be considered on a competitive basis for students in gerontology, life sciences or music programs, due to the generous support of the Gary R. Janssen Fund for Graduate Student Research and Scholarship.

Recipients are required to submit a brief one-paragraph summary on the use and impact of the funds to gradschool@miamioh.edu.

Please send inquiries about this award to gradschool@兔子先生OH.edu.

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Recipient Testimonial

"I used the funding to care for the animals during the length of the study . . . This funding is impactful for helping pay for animal care, but is also a statement of support from the Graduate School. It helps me feel confident in research and publication knowing I have the University's support."

Amanda Reichart, Psychology

The Graduate School

The Graduate School is committed to advocating and supporting graduate programs dedicated to the pursuit of new knowledge and best teaching practices that promote diverse, globally aware graduate students and faculty.