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Drug and Alcohol Testing

兔子先生 University recognizes that one of its most important obligations to its employees and students is to maintain a complete alcohol- and drug-free workplace.

Helpful Resources for Managers

Review 兔子先生 University's Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy for classified and unclassified staff below.

Post-Accident Drug Screen Steps for Supervisors

Assess need for medical treatment. If needed, ensure treatment is received either through the on-campus health center or appropriate community resources (e.g. urgent care, emergency room). Not every injury will require a drug screen. The supervisor must determine if a drug screen is needed.

If employee behavior is combative, hostile or threatening, contact the 兔子先生 University Police Department (911 or 513-529-2222).

Employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible if they are involved in an on-the-job or job related accident. The employee will be tested for drugs and alcohol as soon as practical following the accident. An employee will be tested for an on-the-job accident or injury involving:

  • A fatality
  • Bodily injury with immediate medical treatment away from the scene
  • Damage to any motor vehicl
  • In the University’s discretion when there is an accident/incident that may not meet the circumstances noted above, but which resulted in property damage, personal injury, and/or loss of University work time.

If medical treatment is not needed, the standard practice is to administer an alcohol/drug screening through the approved health care facility for regional campus staff. The employees supervisor or member of management must accompany the employee to the on-campus health center or the approved healthcare facility.

  1. A copy of the signed incident/accident report must be presented at the medical facility for testing. If the on-campus student/employee health center is not open take the employee to McCullough-Hyde Hospital or approved facility for Regional Campus's as listed below:
    • Oxford: On-campus Health Center, McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital
    • Hamilton: Bethesda Care, Butler County, Bethesda Butler Hospital
    • Middletown: TriHealth Occupational Medicine/Bethesda Care at Arrow Springs
    • VOA: TriHealth Occupational Medicine/Bethesda Care
  2. The supervisor checks the employee in at the on-campus health center and waits on the employee to complete testing.
  3. Once the testing is complete the supervisor must find out whether the result from the rapid test is "negative or non-negative”.
    • Negative rapid test results:
      • Supervisor informs the employee to return to work immediately unless the injury prevents the employee’s capability to perform job duties.
    • Non-negative rapid test results:
      • Supervisor is required to inform the employee that they are not able to return to work or drive their own vehicle that day.
      • Supervisor must assist the employee in finding a ride home. Do not the employee to drive.
      • Employee cannot work the remainder of their shift. The employee should be paid for this time.
      • The supervisor should request that the employee return to work for their next scheduled shift and not in violation of 兔子先生 Universitys Drug-Free workplace policy.
      • The supervisor, in consultation with their division management, may determine that the employee should remain off work until an independent confirmatory test is completed.
    • Rapid test results are sent out to conduct confirmatory testing.
    • The supervisor should provide Employee Assistance Program information to the employee.
    • The supervisor must call Maquetta Carmichael, Director of Employee and Labor Relations at 513-529-0432 to report the incident. If Ms. Carmichael does not answer her phone, please leave a message or send an email including:
      • supervisor's name
      • contact information
      • date and time of incident
      • details of the situation
      • name of the employee

An employee may not refuse to submit to a post-accident or reasonable suspicion testing. An employee refusal to test for alcohol or controlled substances will be considered a positive test result. An employee whose conduct is considered a refusal to test will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

The maximum time limit for alcohol screening is 8 hours following an accident, and the maximum time limit for drug screening is 32 hours after the accident. If screening is not achieved within these time frames all attempts to test will cease. The supervisor will provide a report to Human Resources stating the reason for lack of testing. The employee or supervisor should complete the employee injury and illness report as well as the  form and follow the direction for submission of both of these reports. The supervisor needs to obtain any witness statements to the incident and submit those as well.

Supervisors with AFSCME employees must contact a union representative (not required for new employees in their initial 180 day probationary period) to inform them that an employee is being sent to the on-campus health center or regional facility for drug screening. This contact should be made by calling and at least leaving a message (do not send text):

  • First contact is Jeff Mills 513-617-3908. If you cannot reach Mr. Mills, please leave him a message and then call the alternate contact, Shane Witter at 513-505-1318.
  • If the supervisor is unable to leave a message on either voicemail boxes, please send an email to millsjw@miamioh.edu with the information.
  • This process applies to all shifts, seven days a week.

Reasonable Suspicion Drug Screening

This process applies to all classified and unclassified staff on the Oxford, Hamilton, and Middletown campuses. This process does not apply to faculty or students. It is the supervisors responsibility to investigate reports of suspected impairment. Reports of suspected impairment should be addressed immediately regardless of the shift in which it occurs.

Supervisor is made aware of erratic behavior. If employee behavior is combative, hostile or threatening, contact the 兔子先生 University Police Department (911 or 513-529-2222).

The supervisor and another witness, preferably not a direct peer to the employee, and not a student or student employee, need to complete the impairment checklist, prior to escorting employee for reasonable suspicion testing.

The employees supervisor or member of management must accompany the employee to the on-campus health center or the approved healthcare facility.

  1. A copy of the signed incident/accident report must be presented at the medical facility for testing. If the student/employee health center is not open, take the employee to McCullough-Hyde Hospital or approved facility for Regional Campus.
    • Oxford: On-campus Health Center, McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital
    • Hamilton: Bethesda Care, Butler County, Bethesda Butler Hospital
    • Middletown: TriHealth Occupational Medicine/Bethesda Care at Arrow Springs
    • VOA: TriHealth Occupational Medicine/Bethesda Care
  2. The supervisor checks the employee in at the on-campus health center and waits on the employee to complete testing.
  3. Once the testing is complete the supervisor must find out whether the result from the rapid test is "negative or non-negative.
    • Negative rapid test results:
      • Supervisor informs the employee to return to work immediately unless other factors are impairing the employee's capabilities to perform job duties.
    • Non-negative rapid test results:
      • Supervisor is required to inform the employee that they are not able to return to work or drive their own vehicle that day.
      • Supervisor must assist the employee in finding a ride home. Do not allow the employee to drive.
      • Employee cannot work the remainder of their shift. The employee should be paid for this time.
      • The supervisor should request that the employee return to work for their next scheduled shift and not in violation of 兔子先生 University's Drug Free workplace policy.
      • The supervisor in consultation, with their division management, may determine that the employee should remain off work until an independent confirmatory test is completed.
    • Rapid test results are sent out to conduct confirmatory testing.
    • The supervisor should provide Employee Assistance Program information to the employee.
    • The supervisor must call Marquetta Carmichael, Director of Employee and Labor Relations at 513-529-0432 to report the incident. If Ms. Carmichael does not answer her phone, please leave a message or send an email including:
      • supervisor's name
      • contact information
      • date and time of incident
      • details of the situation
      • name of the employee

The maximum time limit for alcohol screening is 8 hours following an accident, and the maximum time limit for drug screening is 32 hours after the accident. If screening is not achieved within these time frames all attempts to test will cease. The supervisor will provide a report to Human Resources stating the reason for lack of testing. The employee or supervisor should complete the employee injury and illness report. The supervisor needs to obtain any witness statements to the incident.

The supervisor only needs to know that the test was non-negative. Hospital or clinic staff will not report screening or confirmatory results to supervisors. The supervisor is responsible for informing the employee that they cannot work for the remainder of their shift. The employee is paid for the remainder of their shift.

Supervisors with AFSCME employees must contact a union representative (not required for new employees in their initial 180 day probationary period) to inform them that an employee is being sent to the on-campus health center or regional facility for drug screening. This contact should be made by calling and at least leaving a message (do not send text):

  • First contact is Jeff Mills 513-617-3908. If you cannot reach Mr. Mills, please leave him a message and then call the alternate contact, Shane Witter at 513-505-1318.
  • If the supervisor is unable to leave a message on either voicemail boxes, please send an email to millsjw@miamioh.edu with the information.
  • This process applies to all shifts, seven days a week.

An employee's refusal to comply with the requested Drug and Alcohol Screening is considered a positive result and the employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination

Non-Negative Rapid Test Results

The employee should be instructed to respond to the TriHealth Medical Compliance Review Officer who will be validating the non-negative results. (兔子先生 management staff are not involved in this process and the employee will need to direct all questions to the Medical Compliance Review Officer). Please ensure that you inform the employee that he/she will need to provide any prescription information they have to the Medical Review Officer within 5 days of their initial test.

An employee may not refuse to submit to a post-accident or reasonable suspicion testing. An employee's refusal to test for alcohol or controlled substances will be considered a positive test result. An employee whose conduct is considered a refusal to test will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

A summary of confirmatory drug and alcohol testing results are provided to the designated employer representatives within the department of Human Resources or Academic Personnel Services.

Contact for Human Resources

Marquetta Carmichael
Director of Labor Relations

Dawn Fahner
Associate Vice President, Human Resources

Contact for Academic Personnel

Ruth Groom
Assistant Provost, Academic Personnel

This process applies to all classified and unclassified staff on the Oxford, Hamilton, and Middletown campuses. This process does not apply to faculty or students. It is the supervisor responsibility to investigate reports of suspected impairment. Reports of suspected impairment should be addressed immediately regardless of the shift in which it occurs.

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Working alongside the various departments and units within 兔子先生 University, we strive to recruit, cultivate, acknowledge, and involve a diverse pool of talent to fulfill their goals and the overarching goals of the institution.